Some times, when I don't have much time, instead of pealing the tomatoes, after scolding them with hot water... I cut them, with the skin, into pieces. I also add a large onion, cut into pieces, salt and pepper and blend everything with a hand blender. Then I let it cook, at a medium heat, for about an hour, or until it get's pretty much concentrated.
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Vivo in Italia da più di trenta anni. Sono sposata e madre di due figli,già grandi.
Amo viaggiare, conoscere altri popoli, leggere, scrivere, cucinare, Internet, fotografare e fare amicizia ...
Ho vissuto per parecchi anni in Brasile e Stati Uniti.
Mi rattrista molto l'ingiustizia e non sopporto i prepotenti ...
This blog is meant to give ideas of what to cook ... It is not exactly a recipe blog. There are times when we don't know what to cook, and we need an inspiration ! Different ideas ... !
I don't usually cook by a recipe book. Normally, I cook what I find at home.
You can see what I make, just by looking at the pictures ...
I don't like to spend hours and hours by the stove, so my cooking is always very simple ...
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